INFJ Forum

INFJ Forum

So-so...was on hiatus from the forum for a bit...just needed to not be on. I’m sure you understand.
How are you?
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Good and bad. I am happy because of someone I met here, but I am unhappy still because of life. I have not paid much attention to the forums lately (the past few months).
Yeah...I haven’t been on much lately at all either.
I’m glad you met someone here, that is good news...I’m sorry that the depths of human filth are trying to make it easier to know I’m here for you in that arena always.
I hope you catch a break soon and cheer up...hey, my fence just got plowed down yesterday in a hit and run so, at least you don’t have that headache. ;)
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Wow, I am sorry to hear that! That is a real headache.

Yeah, I cannot stand the news. It just hurts that all they focus on are bathrooms. Like what could be more dehumanizing? It is just another reason to well.... keep presenting male in public I guess.
I expect that they will pass some sort of 'religious freedom' (read: freedom to discriminate) bill. There is nothing stopping them, and it is already in the works. Truly terrifying.