Working Until You Die | Page 9 | INFJ Forum

Working Until You Die

Let me help you ascend to 3e
man float GIF by CraigInTheBox
Let me help you ascend to 3e
man float GIF by CraigInTheBox
Awfully cryptic...I entertained the idea that you were to share insightful theory. Instead I receive this response, which either serves as a derisive penis joke, or perhaps something remotely less offensive, if I were to be offended anyway. Please elaborate, or provide theory. I may muster a theory or two as well...
It wasn't about you @digits I wasn't talking to you or discussing anything related to you
It's a joke between myself and @aeon and he understood it, that's all that matters here
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The consequence of modern economic and social theory that erodes the fundamentals of society/civilization to be sustainable never mind exist at all.

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The consequence of modern economic and social theory that erodes the fundamentals of society/civilization to be sustainable never mind exist at all.

So true, the tranfer of costs, health, psychological, financial to the masses to ensure wealth accumulation of less than 1% of living beings, like a vacuum cleaner aware of all valuables in our pockets. All the while, the few orchestrate narratives that encourage division and relativistic ethics to make the theft obscure to many.
When Reagan got in, he took alot of racist poor southerners with him. In fairness, some northerners as well, referred to as Reagan democtrats. Reagan slashed taxes for the wealthy to incredibly low levels, jacked defense spending exponentially, which supports stealth wealth accumulation almost solely by Republican edict, and.....cut social programs dramatically. These changeshave largely remained intact to this day. Confounding is the narrative, Republicans deify him and Democrats yearn for the day Republicans were more like Reagan. Do you see? Big media, and campaign finance, Higher Education paper mill factories, legal clubs (Federalist Society), Heritage have all played the role of influence peddlers for the very few wealthiest among us. When relativistic ethis rules, this is what we get. The virtue of integrity ( say what is true, and dowhat is right) is essential milk for a democracy. Our institutions are here to ensure that integrity remain intact, but deregulation (oh, thanks again Reagan) replaced integrity with more relativistic ethics. Lastly, the redemptionist "Christians", whio chose not to seek perfection, or even continuous improvement, so as the circumvent others, demonize others, to get their way in a delusional cultural circle of self-congratulations at the expense of all the people Jesus actually reached out to in the bible, are now infected because church and state boundaries eroded, via deregulation. Our text books were produced with profound editing in Texas for years, Souther Baptist Headquarters, aka as the center of depravity. Civil affairs ciriculum was phased out of schools in the late 70's at the same time globalization began to take route via the shining economic ascent of Japan. Prior to China, there was plenty of envy aboiut remaining number 1, economically.

So, we now have a gutted factory system, being brought back to health by Biden. We have infected racist, religious zealot dolts, who do not even know their own faith (see Revolt of the Masses - Jose Ortega y Gasset) . A series of wars, post Reagan, but set up by his narrative. A further consolidated wealth power, that has gone global, more so more than ever, thus making accountability more of a joint effort (harder to do). Much of this success is due to the abortion ruling in @1973ish. Not that it in itself is problematic, but the narratives were disturbingly self-absorbed. The Republicans used this to demonize Democrats, who aside from this issue were profoundly more Jesus-acting than Republicans and their laizze-faire, I got mine mentality. All the Democrats had to do was to try to support children better, a more life affirming approach, similar in narrative to all their other positions. But, because of the feminism movement, the narrative became a women's right to body, my choice. Played into the self-interest that Republicans had at heart, the pulpet demonization, the coalescing of state legislatures and consequential gerry mandering, and sadly, all at the expense of children. Do notmisunderstand me. I am adamantly in faovr of egalitarianism, but a women's right to choose eliminates a man's role, and this disaffection, coupled with globalization disaffection, instituational regulation and consequential trust erosion. Add in the social media steroidal influence and we are where we are. I do not think hope is something to shed now. But building must be done through INFJ type truth, transparency and relentless, unequivocal integrity in the face of this depravity. Note: My vision sucks now, and I was on a diatribe, some editing is poor today, that is my only apolgy.
“We’ll go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t cost effective.”

– Kurt Vonnegut
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