Recent content by willow | INFJ Forum

Recent content by willow

  1. W

    Mother banned for protecting son from bullie

    I see nothing morally wrong with the mother correcting the children. I agree it would have been better, more courteous and more appropriate to involve the school administration. Where I disagree with you is the idea that litigation is the reason she should have involved the administration...
  2. W

    Mother banned for protecting son from bullie

    This is nonsense. The mother verbally corrected and warned the children. Parents have been doing this from the beginning of time and they have every right to protect their children in this way. Litigation doesn't make it right or wrong. What litigation does is make the matter more complicated...
  3. W

    Mother banned for protecting son from bullie

    I think she's a good mother for standing up for her child. Lots of parents don't do that. My generation was punished in school for poor behaviour. In my early years I was taught by nuns. We were slapped on the hand with a ruler (gasp) or made to stand while holding an ear in one hand and a...
  4. W

    :hug: :hug: :hug: I don't think you are intj at all. ;)

    :hug: :hug: :hug: I don't think you are intj at all. ;)
  5. W

    [PUG] Bullied to death? How about misguided by the people he counted on. (Jamey Rodemeyer)

    In some cases it is better for the victim to walk away but in others they must stand their ground or they will be run over. I think it is necessary sometimes to fight. However, there are problems. Some people are just not fighters and those who are run the risk of trouble with the law so that...
  6. W

    Nature Abhors a Straight Line

    I can't help you with the physics but I wanted to show solidarity with you and your hedge. I planted mine three years ago and they've never been sheared. They are beautiful, lush and have a naturally pleasant ball-like shape. The secret is selecting the most suitable plant for the...
  7. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    I do agree that a campaign to end media sensationalism is pointless. People are free to believe anything they wish. However, once you've decided you believe in an idea then it makes sense to follow it up with appropriate action or else you are a hypocrite. If I think the media markets junk...
  8. W

    Scientists say that Religion and Science can coexist

    This is a nice article but not really news. Religion and science have coexisted happily for a very long time though they sometimes disagree. However, some modern Christians (I cannot speak for other religions) hold a false idea that they cannot coexist. I invite them and anyone else who is...
  9. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    In my opinion, human death is also a tragedy for the person. It is the end of their ability to self-express and to enjoy. I accept that your views are different.
  10. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    No. I'm not lamenting my personal loss when a stranger dies. I'm recognizing the loss of human life as a general tragedy. You don't feel that but that doesn't mean my feelings on the matter are not real. I think the loss of human life is tragic and I appreciate when it is recognized...
  11. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    I agree that there is nothing that could be done that could encompass the worth of a life that is the very reason nothing should be done to diminish what the loss represents. To respect is to esteem. It is life itself that I esteem and because I value life I can recognize that something of...
  12. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    Death itself is not literally selfish but many people experience its effects in the same way they would selfishness because they've been deprived of someone they love or admire. Death may be a process of nature but it stirs emotions in us in the same way that a beautiful sunrise does.
  13. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    I disagree with your definition of selfishness. Selfishness is excessive and disregards the welfare of others. It is self-benefit taken to extremes. I agree that people do not belong to each other like property but we need each other as much as we do food or water, else we become depressed...
  14. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    It could be said that death itself is selfish because it eventually deprives all of us of life and of each other.
  15. W

    Morbid curiosity gone too far

    Well religion refers to it as spirit. That part of a human that represents life, consciousness, intelligence, the ability to form relationships with others and to create. These are the things we hold as special in human beings and there is an element of tragedy that when someone dies this...