Recent content by wee | INFJ Forum

Recent content by wee

  1. W

    How Do You Like To Be Treated When You're Sick?

    I like to be left alone. But if something really hurts then I need comforting words (not many) and that's it. I don't like to be touched or anything because it's annoying and I don't even like it when I'm healthy.
  2. W

    Do you forgive & Forget?

    I'm, like this.. Allways forgive, and forget (sometimes it takes time, but eventually I do it). On the other hand, there're people whose trust I lost or they did something I can't possible agree with so I distance from them completely or how much is possible.
  3. W

    The strangely accurate personality Test

    INFJ You scored 78Introversion, 64 iNtuitiveness, 64 Feelingnessand 63 Judgingness!
  4. W

    Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator

    Basic Report Results INFJ - 80% INFP - 73% ISFJ - 70% INTJ - 69% ISFP - 69% ENFJ - 64% ESFJ - 59% ISTJ - 59% INTP - 49% ENFP - 49% ISTP - 44% ENTJ - 39% ESFP - 39% ENTP - 38% ESTJ - 35% ESTP - 28% Type Dynamics Results Ni - 26 Fi - 25 Si - 22 Fe - 20 Ti - 15 Ne - 13 Te - 10 Se - 9
  5. W

    Emotional problems & INFJ

    I completly agree with everything you wrote. And thank you so much. I allways felt diffrent, odd, even in kindergarten. It's not something you wanna tell people around, not diffrent in some good way, or being special, or that I looked diffrent, just sad, lonely inside because they can't get you...
  6. W

    Emotional problems & INFJ

    Well, 2 of them.. :) And for one, I'm not sure. I was in some mood last night so it seemed a big deal. I think I wrote mostly about me. I have so much problems because of my sensitivity, and can't deal with it. I'm learning but it's too slow, and never good enough. There are some other problems...
  7. W

    Left-handed or right handed?

    Recently I read that people who are left handed, or better to say who use more the right part of brain, they spend much more energy for everything (because we live in left brain world) and are prone to neurotical problems and are more sensitive. That's why many artistic or even people with...
  8. W

    are you insensitive?

    I would like to be insensitive to strangers because it's too exhaustive to be allways good to others I don't even know. For example, when I'm in the bus and someone who I don't know try to talk to me, it's rude not to respond so I make some silly conversation and don't feel well afterward. But I...
  9. W

    Would you let a person live in denial if it made them happy?

    There was one episode from Ally McBeal, I think there was one woman who wanted to be euthanased because she felt happiest in her dreams. So there is some ethical dilema in this, where other people's life is involved. It isn't always the most important if somebody is happy, but in this case, if...
  10. W

    Emotional problems & INFJ

    I noticed that many people around me, including myself, who are INFJs, have some emotional or mental disorders, or they lean to that kind of problems. Is that because we are ''too sensitive'' to others and everybody seems diffrent from us so we don't fit in? Or is it because we can't deal with...
  11. W

    How Narcissistic Are You?

    Average Joe(sephine) You are 66% Narcissist! The average score is 58% Narcissistic. A high score is over 70% and a low one is under 45% Narcissistic. You've got a healthy interest in yourself AND in other people and the world around you. You rock!
  12. W

    Your best virtue quiz!

    YOUR VIRTUES 80% Compassion 44% Intelligence 63% Humility 44% Honesty 0% Discipline 43% Courage 50% Passion
  13. W

    How Liberal/Conservative are you?

    You Are 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Defense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
  14. W

    What type of intellectual are you?

    The Bibliophile You scored 20% empirical, 23% public, and 32% teaching-oriented
  15. W

    Castle Test.

    You Are A Thoughtful Idealist You are scared of new experiences. It's hard for you to break outside of your comfort zone. You like to think that people are impressed by you. You know that you have a lot to offer. You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should...