Vulcan | INFJ Forum


Well, I'm an INTP, so that should give a good general impression of how I function. I used to be a great deal more like a typical caricature of an INTP which is really antisocial, extremely logical, unfeeling, cold, harsh. I was pretty close-minded, conservative, and a Baptist, although I still maintained a better perspective on issues than most others that I knew. My horizons have broadened and I've matured a lot in the last 3 or 4 years and am now an open-minded, agnostic anarchist. Although I'm agnostic, it's not to say I'm not a spiritual person. It's just that I can't see any way to prove or disprove the existence of a God or gods. I subscribe to no overarching worldview and don't think humans can access or distill absolute truth; so you could call me sort of a relativist. This is not to say I don't value things as being better, preferable, or more true than others, I just don't have absolute, hard and fast convictions.

I'm trying to develop the feeling side of personality, and I feel that I've developed it more than many INTPs already, but it's still all stuck inside of me. I have and experience quite a grandiose range of feelings, but I just can't seem to find a way to easily express them to others, not to mention I've never been in a close enough relationship with another to feel uninhibited enough to pour out my heart to them. I sympathize a good deal with INFXs and you guys feelings and I admire how different and yet how similar we are to each other. I think I have a great deal to learn from you folks.

Intellectual interests: philosophy, religions (especially non-monotheistic ones, mysticism, the occult), psychology, history, geography (especially historical geography, maps of European feudal territories in the middle ages are delectable)

Hobbies: I'm learning to play bass guitar. I amass large amounts of varying interesting and amusing information that would pay off if I ever end up on an episode of Jeopardy. I've been called a walking encyclopedia.