Vince | INFJ Forum


I enjoy TV dinners, long walks on the beach, and Jesus. But seriously, Jesus rocks.

I Love breaking and fixing things, Welding, and working with my hands. Losing at Hold 'em, Reading, watching movies, listening to music, and many more...

Seeking God.

Family, relationships, helping/ministering to people.
self-improvement, challenges, music.

Evangelism, Theology, Missional Pneumatology, and my personal education to the effectiveness thereof. I rather enjoy teaching these things with how I live my life.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Air/Water/Food/Shelter/Sleep/Work... This is a stupid question.
What would be your epitaph?
Security is the mortal mans greatest enemy. - C.S. Lewis.
Offering my highest efforts to reach everyone poss



Realize that you've never been accused of a lack of self criticism.

Security is the mortal mans greatest enemy. - C.S. Lewis.