Recent content by Verdant | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Verdant

  1. Verdant

    Police out of Control?

    Police militarization is definitely worrying in my view. I think a buttonhole camera, and some very strict legislation requiring that it must be on, and not tampered with while actively serving as a police officer is a good idea. I also think that there should be laws that ensure at least...
  2. Verdant

    INFJs and psychosomatic illness

    Thats a really interesting question! I'm a male, and I'm fairly sensitive, but I'm quite open and comfortable with that, which wasn't always true. I understand that sensitivity definitely it comes with the NF territory! So are my INFJ friends similarly sensitive as well. I've gone through...
  3. Verdant

    Do you listen to people you don't like?

    In my younger days I was extremely bad at listening to people I had bad feelings about, or didn't like. As i've become older, I realized how tiring, unproductive, and immature that game is. So even if, I don't like people, and there are certainly people I don't like, I have become much better...
  4. Verdant

    Can rational self interest and socialism be reconciled?

    Muir you are really patronizing. The idea that the richest 1% (banking elite as you put it) are socialists is extremely funny. I can't even... The people who nearly wrecked the economy (like in 2008) were enormous fans of de-regulated free markets. Alan Greenspan testified before congress and...
  5. Verdant

    Can rational self interest and socialism be reconciled?

    Cynical apologist for fascism? Thats comes off as quite a leap! Are you suggesting that I should have assumed Lark is one, and grilled him based on that assumption? That doesn't come off as reasonable in the slightest, especially since that would be assumption for which I have no evidence! Nor...
  6. Verdant

    People leave INFJs

    I have dumped, and have been dumped. Both numerous times. Same goes for the small number of INFJ's I know in the real life sphere.
  7. Verdant

    People who are only interested in one thing at a time

    I know I'm generalizing, but I have noticed all my sensor friends are infatuated with very much 1 major thing, with very small interest in others, mostly work or family. While my intuitive friends cannot help but keep an extended interest in at least a couple, to even very many things.
  8. Verdant

    Do you vote and why?

    I used to vote in my youth, for local and federal elections. I was way more naive. I see politics so much more differently now. I am very convinced that its not nearly as meaningful as it can and should be. I think Russell Brand's views with respect to voting are quite similar to mine these day
  9. Verdant

    Can rational self interest and socialism be reconciled?

    I'll start by apologizing if anything I say is redundant, but my reply is in regards to the original post. I absolutely think they can be reconciled, and in fact, for them to be reconciled is exactly where things have to go if we're to progress as a species! Also, I think the classification of...