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I am a single man that has realized that I am different and far more accute than other people as far as feelings and intutiveness goes. I don't believe that I am more intelegent than other people but I do believe I understand more and have a less stressfull life. I have been single for at least 25 years and see know hope for a relationship. I don't want to make an effort to meet someone, but if I did meet someone that loves me the same way, I would already be in heaven.

I like to study the human psychy everytime I meat a new person. I really don't have a hobbie right now, but I want to do something, I just don't know what.
Feb 3, 1967 (Age: 57)
Brought up in a familly until grade 5, moved away from my father with my mom, 2 brothers and a sister. Do to some of my moms decisions, I started feeling left out or not wanted, therefor I retaliated and skipped out of school for a month of days within two months of school. I was sent to my dads. I hated my mom for that but later realized that it WAS the best for me; however, some of the ways that she treated me, compared to my brother, haunted me, even today a little. When I was appx 25 I asked my mom to sit with me because I had a lot of burdens on my mind I wanted clarified. I explained what my concerns were, she denied it and then said she was going to have a nap. She came back from her nap and appologized for everything that I had brought up. To this day when my mom and I speak we always say I love you.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My eyes, my hearing, the love of my family, respect from others, and money
What would be your epitaph?
I heard that!
i don't know
Right now I am in Technical sales for a bearing ho