Treaders | INFJ Forum


I am thinking of going to complete my training as a counsellor. I am at a cross roads in life as I have been at home raising six children for the last fifteen years ( not all mine!) I had two step children living with us for five years. I am nervous about rendering the world of work after my time alone at home but I am very ready. I have been very lost for the last few years, missing that wider connection to a community outside home. Would love to chat to others who see the world the way I do!!!

My Bookclub, walking, swimming spa days travel
Teacher. Two children. Widowed. Remarried two step children then twin daughters. Revtraining as counsellor
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My children hugging me
My bible
My comfy bed
A good book
Fresh bread
What would be your epitaph?
Here lies kate mother, friend, daughter sister grandmother
Don't know
Trained senco teacher. Training for level 4 counse