Theresa | INFJ Forum


Well I recently stumbled upon this personality test. Once completing the test I further discovered that their were several other people that had the same thoughts and views on life that I have, but had not encountered before. It would seem that in life that I do not connect with most people and they do not think anything like I do. This brought about so much more involved in the subject. I began to read and research more in depth of my particular personalility type. It was one experience that didn't surprise me, because I knew very well that I fit the discription for that personalily type to a T. Anyway I am interested in just learning more and am glad that I have started this sort of personal self seeking journey.

I am interested in the arts, music, writing and reading. I enjow hanging out with my friends and family. I also like to travel.
I am a single mother of three. I am a student going after an associates degree in business management. I hope to be finished in a year.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
food, water, heat, shelter, clothing, and I would have to say last is transportation. I hope you did mean things that I need to survive.
What would be your epitaph?
Here lies a loving mother and wife
She did everything she could to make a great life
She cooked she cleaned she went to the exteme
to make an ungrateful man her life........
Not sure
As old as I am, one would say I should already hav