TheOverThinker | INFJ Forum


I consider myself a pretty typical INTP-A. I am revisiting the whole thing (probably the 4 time) and now am in a place in my life to begin taking advantage of my gift, and my curse. I made an account on an INTP site, of which I never even opened a single thread before I realized "Duh, If you are wanting to share and discuss relationship and life type issues the INFJ has no equal. I am lucky enough to have 2 INFJs in my life, so I feel this place will be very helpful and willing to discuss things.
San Joaquin Valley
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Nothing I can't learn to live without.
What would be your epitaph?
See you all very soon!
Self Employed


  1. 69


    Whatever it is, it's amazing. You're amazing. And Free is learning how to create trophies! Or break the forum. Either way, it'll be interesting!
  2. 10

    Happy day

    We wish you all a happy day, regardless of whether or not it's your birthday. :)
  3. 333

    You're awesome

    For being awesome. :)
  4. 1

    A Member

    Well done you worked out how to register, now let's see if you can work out the rest of the buttons...
  5. 1

    Likes living on the wildside

    Hasn't enabled two-factor authentication for your account.
  6. 1

    Me be a lurker

    Lurking the forums being all shy and stuff....
  7. 5

    You know why you are here

    You've put something in MBTI on your profile