thefriendlywuff_45 | INFJ Forum


At the time of writing I am 16 and studying at a UK college. I am taking A levels in Pscycology, Biology, Chemistry and Geography (which is much to my dismay), and planning on volunteering at the local St. Leonards hospice in preparation for a career in medicine. My physical appearence is pretty "normal". I just let my hair grow long and usually wear baggy informal clothes instead of "fashionable" clothes that seem to plague schools today. Although sometimes I do wear things related to gaming (one of my passions) and wolves (which are just an animal I like). I have an active interest in anime art, although any art I think can be appreciated! As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I am currently a closted gay and a relatively mild "furry"... those in the know know what that means ;D. If you don't, don't worry about it too much I won't bite :p

GCSE: History, ICT, Geography, Music, Triple Science and Maths
AS level: Currently taking Pscycology, Geography, Biology and Chemisty

Lurking the net, drawing doodles, learning languages, talking to close friends, meeting new people online, reading articles (usually online).

Where am I?

Deviant Art: Slycooperweirdo45
Furaffinity: oliewulf45
Gamespot: oliver_475
Lang-8: wulfyrokujuyon_64

I'll add more as I remember them.
Mar 13, 1993 (Age: 31)
I was born in Yorkshire in the early hours and have since being up into the early hours doing work or just lurking on the web. Anything that gets me interested will have me up all night sometimes! I am pretty shy in RL (some of which I put down to bullying), but on the web I am pretty sociable depending on my mood. Sometimes I'm chirpy, othertimes I'm tired, but whatever my mood I endaveour to answer back! A few interesting trips I have had are to Germany where I tried apple "eisen" (yummy!) and to France where I went on my first rollercoaster (at Disneyland Paris no less).
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
The internet
My friends
My manga
My anime
Although I'm not one for many people at a time, I