Recent content by Taken by the wind | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Taken by the wind

  1. Taken by the wind

    Saying "I love you"

    the "I love you" is a very strong emotion for me, I get teary eyed even thinking about it haha. But for some reason, when I take away the "I," it becomes something different, like I'm not really saying it. 1) Family members - "love you" whenever I'm leaving or saying goodbye, goodnight, etc...
  2. Taken by the wind

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    . Love! All of it true true true. Also, when you know everyone else better than you know yourself.
  3. Taken by the wind

    "Miss Independent"

    I was raised by an independent mother, a woman to look up to. And I'll tell you why I call her independent. My mom has my dad and myself and my sister and she is for the most part the breadwinner. But I more respect her for taking control of her own life and doing what she wants to do without...
  4. Taken by the wind

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    Hahahaha I love that