Susan Hernandez | INFJ Forum

Susan Hernandez

I am an INFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Type.

I am a forty year old single parent of a five year old little girl.

I was born and raised in West Tennessee and now live in Atlanta, Georgia.

I am a creative and compassionate artist who is family-oriented and wants to live a peaceful and simple life close to the beauty of nature that inspires me in my work.

with a focus on MBTI, Socionics, Psychometric Testing, Type Relationships,
Jungian Psychology, Ayn Rand's Objectivism, Existentialism, Paranormal /ESP/Precognition,

Astrology-Planets and Personality, Sun Signs

Symbols and Metaphors

Nutrition and Exercise

Feng Shui

with a focus on abstract realism painting in mixed media (pencil, watercolor, and pastel)
subject matter consisting of personal experience, nostalgia/americana, healing, inspiration, heroes, spirituality, astrology, pop culture

with a focus on my daughter growing up and our adventures together, cultural/historical events, aviation and music

with a focus on Progressive Rock and Electronic Pop

Travelling, Nature Observing, Scrapbooking
Reading transformational/self help, Blogging about how music affects emotions

Interior decorating and cooking Mexican dishes
Mar 1, 1969 (Age: 55)
To be completed at a more convenient time.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My Daughter
My Health
My Intelligence
My Talents
My Photographs
My Books
What would be your epitaph?
(As on a bumper sticker about fishing)...... "I'd rather be cremated."
Be a highly productive and self-sufficient artist,