Recent content by sulfit | INFJ Forum

Recent content by sulfit

  1. sulfit

    Need advice about the girl I like.

    INFJ primary cognitive function is a perceiving one. To add insult to injury, it is one that creates multiple interpretations to events, multiple meanings, multiple possibilities. Ni introduces a lot of doubt and confusion into one's thinking. Therefore INFJ may choose to be emotionally...
  2. sulfit

    What traits are you looking for in a partner?

    When I was in teens I formulated that I am looking for someone who has greater degree of self-awareness than most of the people I have met who didn't seem to be self-aware at all. I felt this in myself and was seeking somebody who would resonate on same frequency. Little did I know that it would...
  3. sulfit

    Understanding INFJ/INTP interactions

    Here is my insight on the INTP-INFJ relations. Note that I have not been in a long-term relationship with any particular INTP. I have known 3 INTPs on friend/acquaintance basis as well as interacted with a few over the internet. What draws the INFJs to INTPs (and INFPs coincidentally) is their...
  4. sulfit

    When Good Functions Go Bad

    That actually sounds like Ni is making is a mistake. If you are making connections between things that exist, this is Ni in works, and yes it can try to make connections that aren't there. Ne is an extraverted function that tells you what can be made if you rearrange objects outside of yourself...
  5. sulfit

    How to trap an INFJ.

    Yes I am quite sure that he is ENTP. We have some ESTP guys in this group too and I do experience some mental disconnect with them. It especially becomes evident with humor. I usually react best to jokes of other INxJs and ENxPs in the group. They react very well to my jokes. But the ESTP and...
  6. sulfit

    How to trap an INFJ.

    This is something I have sensed from several ENTPs I have known, that they tend to treat people more like objects to be rearranged however they personally desire. There was an ENTP who developed feelings for me recently. So first he dumped his girlfriend of several years. Then the very next...
  7. sulfit

    INFJ gone wrong

    My 'gone wrong' personality appears to be an evil version of an ENTP. My Fe and Ti switch places and intuition gets oriented at the environment around me. People start appearing more alike objects. My main goal becomes to rearrange the objects for my own benefit. My ego strengthens, my...
  8. sulfit

    Cutting people out of your life

    I have kept friends with some people I've known from high school for first two years of college then we just fell out of touch when everybody got busy applying to grad schools or finding a job the last two years. The college I went to was pretty big, 100+ people in many of the classes I took, so...
  9. sulfit

    Social Interactions: Acceptance

    I used to be very quiet and focus on just trying to blend in and not stand out. I was also much more locked up in my own mind and busy with my own things. Now I find myself to be very curious about other people. Instead of not speaking up to not draw attention to myself I will initiate...
  10. sulfit

    How do you exercise Ni online?

    speak in vague generalities, make connections from one subject to another, explain how stuff works, use symbolism, metaphors, hyperboles and get really excited when somebody does same and also shows me connections I haven't discovered yet ^^
  11. sulfit

    ARE There Really Only Two Functions?

    Yes what Dragon has said that you aren't lacking any functions. Being INFJ just means you use your intuition in introverted manner a lot, and feeling in extraverted manner. But it doesn't mean that you have no Ne or Fi. TeFi and FeTI I think are really just one function, a judging function...