Stephanie Cross | INFJ Forum

Stephanie Cross

I am a young woman who just recently discovered the specifics of my personality. I love music and acting, as well as most of the arts. I fall in love easily, but I don't seem to be the greatest at trusting. I love helping others and I am incredibly passionate for many causes, such as rape victims, unborn children, and hurting women for starters.

I am a singer and I play just about every instrument on the planet. I love acting and have been in many musicals and plays. I am a devoted Christian and I am incredibly passionate about issues that affect people. I am working on a Psychology degree so I can go into counselling and help people
September 5
I was born in Western Michigan and have lived there basically my entire life. I am the daughter of a pastor and the 6th of 7 children.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1. Kill someone
2. have an abortion
3. Cheat on someone I love
4. Kill myself
5. Cuss someone out
6. Do drugs
What would be your epitaph?
A woman who loved others above everything and strove to change the world for the better.
As stated before, I want to go into Psychology and