Shumai | INFJ Forum


My name is Martin and I've been searching for meaning in my life for many years. I came to the conclusion that the meaning of life is the want, the need, the desire to search for that meaning. And it is possible that I may not even find my purpose, but it's the journey to enlightenment is what's important. I am a quiet person, I like to watch events unfold instead of being a part of them. I have trouble sharing my thoughts and emotions with people, I feel that nobody really cares and understands. So I try to find alternate ways to express myself. When I felt alone, abandoned, and loathed. I would listen to music and the feeling I get is incredible, it's like I'm in a different world, away from all the pain.

Hobbies: Working Out, Running, Dieting, Video Games, Beatboxing, Flute, Guitar, Singing
Interests: Peace and Love
Was born on April 29th, 1993 in Manila, Philippines
Moved to New York at the age of 8
Lived in Brooklyn, New York for 8 years
Finished high school in the Philippines
Moved to Delaware at the age of 17
Currently a freshman in college
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Food and water
What would be your epitaph?
Do Not Rest
Goal: Fall in love
Career: Work as a Physical The
