sarah | INFJ Forum


I am interested to read that I am introverted, intuitive, feeling, judge. i always felt so idealistic, and just wanted to write and write about what we could be, and now that I have read about these aspects of my personality I feel more comfortable with all those thoughts of ideal worlds and rich idealistic fantasies.

Now I can just get down to it and make what is good and free in this world.

It is raining here, summer and raining, it is so beautiful on the roof of my gazebo outside, and it feels so strong, like us, and like the thoughts that come through the wires.

as above, + graphic art dancing, music and laughter, i am feeling lonely ;)
Bachelor of Science Microbiology
Grad Cert Environment and Planning
Discontinued Children's services and primary education
Next ????

I am prone to alternative realities and dream that i was a fish or a bird. sometimes i live in the world that the sounds of the animals talk to me, and so, i am prone to stress, and can experiment with oranges for cleaning, i love cleaning. i love the breeze and the sunshihne.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
my computer
books for writing in
lights and lamps
water ingested deep into my throat
What would be your epitaph?
lived as a bird in the trees with the ants, and just this once can't we get what we want and deserve?
I would like to write a book about living in natur