Recent content by Ryu | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Ryu

  1. Ryu

    Straight INFJ Males

    Sexuality is a complicated subject, and warrants a complicated answer. Although most of my love interests have been female (I am a male), I am more attracted to a person's mind and personality than their external features--including their body and yes, gender. If someone piques my interest...
  2. Ryu

    INFJ Singers

    Regardless of whether or not you like her, I think Lady Gaga is clearly an INFJ. At first she seems extroverted, although many INFJ's may initially seem extroverted due to our extroverted feeling. From the way she interviews I can see that she is clearly introverted and reserved. Creative and...
  3. Ryu

    To what degree does MBTI encourage us to over-generalize?

    One of the things I dislike about the way people tend to use MBTI is grouping personality with behavior. Eventually, it leads to something like 'it wasn't me! It was my personality type.' I don't think any serious psychologist would agree with personality types being used that way. We are all in...
  4. Ryu

    INFJs strong?

    I'm certainly not strong physically-- probably somewhere in the middle. Mentally, I am pretty with-it, but every once in a while I can lose my temper. Sometimes it's just best to walk away from a confrontation and remain calm than attempt to argue. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong, because...