Recent content by Remige | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Remige

  1. R

    NFJs prone to eating disorders?

    It probably could become a problem, since I over think, scrutinize and idealize. I've never had an eating disorder, but I do tend to over think things, and be very wary of what's "wrong" when I'm under stress. I could probably get into patterns of being overly controlled and then binging if I...
  2. R

    How do you disappear?

    When I withdraw and am under extreme stress, I'm prone to randomly spouting whatever's on my mind. :m200: I'll cry to myself, spend ages alone, and then when someone close to me comes by, I'll behave in an insane, almost ESTP manner (Thankyou, INFJ Shadow Info!). Its very extreme, and I don't...
  3. R

    INFJs and counselling

    To be able to speak without fear of being humiliated is to me, personally, very appealing. I'm not sure to what degree counselors would offer this, but the confidentiality in itself is appealing...
  4. R

    Your avatar is so beautiful. Could you link me to the artist?

    Your avatar is so beautiful. Could you link me to the artist?
  5. R

    What is your creative outlet?

    I'm all for that, but its very hard to stop myself from getting anxious and depressed, or blowing things out of proportion. I find creating art more frustrating than just about any other activity I've done.
  6. R

    What is your creative outlet?

    I like to write and draw/sketch/paint, but my perfectionism tends to get the better of me. I just... can't... seem.... to express myself... clearly! :m142:
  7. R

    The INFJ's Unusually Rich Inner Life

    Even as a child, I felt alone in the world. I also felt as though I had to "become" something: I had an ideal in my mind that became sort of an emotional downfall: I suppose it was somewhat unrealistic, but I had such huge ideals grandeur, service, wonder, kindness and other such things that I'd...
  8. R

    Do INFJ's somehow appear to be cold?

    I fear coming across as cold very deeply, as I'm very introverted, and most of my thoughts and feelings don't come across naturally. Apparently, as a child, people used to think that I was ignoring them when I was simply trying very hard to come up with an answer to their question. I was often...