Quorrah | INFJ Forum


I am, obviously, new to this and have not been on an INFJ list before. I think it might be fun.

I've studied psychology, human services, and computer stuff.

I like to write, read, watch movies, pet my cat, and swim.

I believe in God and would like to attend church.
November 8
Born in 1970 in RI. Very topsy-turvy growing up. Left very early out of necessity for myself.

Had a marriage and child when 17 and 18, respectively. Ended up hiding in a shelter w/my son. Got a place.

Had another bad relationship--one in many. Had another child, a girl this time. Was unable to have more children at this point due to complications w/both pregnancies. Got out of relationship. Lots of alcohol and drugs in between pregnancies and when the kids weren't home. Illegal activities--a LOT of acting out, I didn't know what it meant at the time.

Got married again. Another bad marriage. Became ill and I didn't know what was wrong, was in a wheelchair, mostly. Husband looked elsewhere for companionship and my children had major issues that involved counselling, DCF, etc. I was too sick to care for the children. Left husband, lost everything. Ended up in and out of the hospital.

Lived in a dual diagnosis program and my children were w/their fathers--that's a whole other, very long story. Got out of the program and had my own apartment and I found a job in the field I had been studying.

I enjoy working w/people. I still work at the transitional living program for single moms and their kids. I still live in the same building. My children are back in my life and my daughter is moving in w/me again in order to attend the local college, then she wants to continue in psychology. She wants to be a school psychologist. My son likes animals but I'm not sure where his life will take him b/c he's impaired.

I have a boyfriend that I've been w/for 5 years. Since my earlier wheelchair-illness, I've received a lot of diagnoses. The most troublesome being Diabetes (peripheral neuropathy sucks) and Demyelinating Disease/MS. Currently, I am trying to decide if I need to live in assisted living which would affect my boyfriend and daughter a lot. I will be talking w/a mobility specialist and a human services specialist that will be coming to my home soon to help me decide what's best for me and to ascertain which electric wheelchair would be best. I am a bit scared.

Hopefully this will be a good place where I can find some peace, understanding, and maybe even some good information!
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
God, air, peace, silence, comfort, medication.
What would be your epitaph?
To cope or not to cope
That is the question
To laugh and not to scream
That is the answer
The Individualist
I want to be able to continue working where I am.