Recent content by PippyLongstocking | INFJ Forum

Recent content by PippyLongstocking

  1. PippyLongstocking

    INFJ - Why ENTPs scare me.

    well, I guess ENTP's capacity for empathy and compassion would depend on two things: 1. Whether or not they have a well developed F side, and some of us do 2. Whether or not ENTP is aware of their strong T tendency Its not that we don't have feelings or very strong feelings for that matter...
  2. PippyLongstocking

    INFJ - Why ENTPs scare me.

    Well, being ENTP, I only have the very best experiences of INFJ's as both friends and partners, and my experience is that we supplement each other perfectly. I was in a relationship with two INFJ's and they were the most unproblematic relationships in my life, and if should run into one again, I...