Recent content by Pengy | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Pengy

  1. Pengy

    Occupy Protests Go Global

    A livable wage?! Really? Because minimum wage hasn't risen from $5.15 to $7.25. When they first decided to raise the damned thing, I thought to myself, "There goes the economy." Guess what? The economy has gone. Raising it any higher would just eff things further. Now, I am all about...
  2. Pengy

    What makes you happy (everyday)?

    Awe, baby! You make me happy, too! ::beams:: -PENGY
  3. Pengy

    "In love" vs Love. Difference?

    Actually, the very presence of the word "nub" in your post is Ad Hominem. It gives the impression that the person to whom you are speaking or with whom you are arguing is somehow less important or their opinion doesn't matter. Whatever is followed by the insult is all that remains. All I'm...
  4. Pengy

    "In love" vs Love. Difference?

    Fallacy Ad Hominem. I wasn't aware that my number of posts had anything to do with the relevancy of my questions or the topics that I tried to discuss. ::shrug:: Thank you, Webster. Ok. I guess that makes sense. Seems like an unpolished definition, but it works. I dig it. I'm not one...
  5. Pengy

    "In love" vs Love. Difference?

    I think that the novelty would be infatuation. The feeling that is carnal and temporary and intense would be the novel one. "In love," I think, implies that you want to be with that person in more than a physical way. At first, I was infatuated with said friend. When I first met her, it...
  6. Pengy

    "In love" vs Love. Difference?

    My bestest friend in the whole world and I have been at it for a while now, trying to define the difference between loving someone and being "in love" with them. Mainly, it was because the two of us have been trying to decipher whether or not we love each other or whether we are "in love."...
  7. Pengy

    Ability to love

    I'm not sure that I can put it any better than any of you have. Absolutely, one must love themselves in order to love someone else. There have been lots of times in my life when I have been in a situation where there was somoene that I could have been with but wasn't, simply because I hated...
  8. Pengy

    What's your dating type?

    Yeah, as an ENTP who is/was married to an ENTJ, I am afraid I couldn't ever be with another xNTJ again. And having known a few INFJ's, I don't know that I could be with one either. What I really want is an ENTP. Oh, wait... -PENGY
  9. Pengy

    Hello, Weezle!!

    Hello, Weezle!!