Recent content by Peaceful_Cynic | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Peaceful_Cynic

  1. Peaceful_Cynic

    New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!!

    So glad to hear this. It's about time!
  2. Peaceful_Cynic

    Your Inner Gay Having A Freakout!

    I'm going to go with skinny jeans as well. Also, short shorts and Uggs, manpris (men in Capri pants) or long shorts with long sweat socks.
  3. Peaceful_Cynic

    Music that speak directly to your heart

    My almost 9 year old daughter loves Rush. She likes to watch Swat Katz on mute with Rush's Greatest Hits playing in the background. This thrills me to no end because unlike most 9 year olds who are into Bieber/Cyrus ect...She likes Rush, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Best Coast and Sleater-Kinney.
  4. Peaceful_Cynic

    Music that speak directly to your heart

    Welcome Home-Radical Face Hard Sun-Eddie Vedder and Corin Tucker Hot as Day-Wye Oak Down to Zero-Joan Armatrading On the Bus Mall-The Decemberists Winter is Coming-Radical Face The Con(whole album) Tegan and Sara Pretty much anything by Fleet Foxes This is just the short list :p
  5. Peaceful_Cynic

    What are you listening to right now? (part 6)

    Fleet Foxes-The Shrine/An Argument