Nombiez | INFJ Forum


I'm a female INTJ Orthodox Christian student who lives on a small farm in Canada.

Mainly people, especially INFJs.
I think it's important that you know (if you care to read this) that I pulled the concept of loving everyone unconditionally into my introverted feeling and decided it was right, and I committed to it. I don't like everyone, I definitely don't respect everyone (though I'm aware that I should) but I never said I liked and respected everyone.

Also, I don't entertain my surface feelings often... and when I do, it's because it's either important that I do or there's something wrong with me.

Everything I consciously do needs to have a logical reason, or I have a difficult time convincing myself that it's necessary. Because of this, most of my interactions with people are aimed to be productive in whatever I want to achieve with the person.

I examine my deeper feelings frequently so that I can decide what I need to commit to and what parts of me are silly, unimportant, or need to be changed or improved. Usually I'll do this when I'm sure I'm alone (walks, at night). I find this deep 'thought' draining, but important.

If something interests me and I decide that it's important to me in my introverted feeling process, I commit and try to memorize it. I'll attempt to master hobbies (I never feel I'm good enough yet, so I always continue to study them), and I examine and try to understand everything about them. I become attached to faces, voices, and a thing any given person leaves on everything that proceeds from them, which I can best simplify with the word signature.

I value understanding very highly, if people make an effort to understand me I appreciate it greatly, and if they succeed and accept me and my flaws I've found a friend I'm willing to commit to. I find INFJs are the most willing to do try to understand me, and the most likely to succeed.
That, with other things such as I find them amusing, interesting, intelligent, adorable, and easy to trust and relate to... they've certainly become a focus and even obsession of mine.

I've been intrigued by INFJs ever since I learned there are other people out there similar to my closest friend.
I've known her since we were both 6, and we've matured to this point- and are continuing to mature- together with shared thoughts, feelings, morals, and ideas.

I often feel the need to direct more of my time to other INFJs, and I've recently befriended another INFJ. My new dear friend and test subject is a male INFJ who seemed quite different from my beloved female INFJ friend. I picked him because I thought he would benefit from having a good friend, because he seemed intelligent and interesting, and because he's a man, which adds variety to my research. On a more emotional note, I very strongly value him as a friend and as an unexpected source of security.

I would like to talk to any of you, I find you all extremely interesting and unique. If you'd like to talk to a female INTJ or simply me in particular, for logical or emotional reasons, I'm tolerant of both. My email address is, and you can contact me through private message or email- either one.

I appreciate your time, though I hope you had a good reason to use it reading this.

One last thing... I'm capable of communicating tactfully. I prefer to present myself in a way that feels natural to me, but I will adjust my method of verbalizing my thoughts in order to communicate with you on a more comfortable level for your sake. I'm used to it, but I do find that I become naturally more openly emotional for the sake of not being dishonest, and since I probably don't know you yet I much prefer to be neither dishonest nor emotionally open... I apologize.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Why six things?
This question is very general. I can try to answer, as long as you know I don't feel comfortable doing so with such little information.

1. God- obviously I wouldn't exist without God, and I don't think I could do without existing. Let's just say this also covers my parents and grandparents and great grandparents, etc.

2. My closest friend (female INFJ)

3. Life essentials... air, food, water, consciousness, bodily functions, etc. Without those I would not live long (if at all), and I would much prefer for now to be alive.

4. Human interaction

5. Confidence

6. Solitude
What would be your epitaph?
"R.I.P." --I want to keep it classic.
I don't know
Whatever it takes to accomplish the things I feel

