Recent content by Niefankaz | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Niefankaz

  1. N

    Lost at this juncture of life. Advice?

    A few supplemental technical careers that I'm a little familiar with: Graphic Artist - have a close friend in this. He does whatever work he can right now, but eventually he'll become a freelancer. It takes time to build up clients, but once you get to that point there's a good amount of...
  2. N

    Cannot decide on a career and it's driving me nuts. Longish, sorry. Please help?

    Good luck! Amen to the comment about experimenting. It's hard to really know if it's a good fit until you get into the profession a bit, and there's nothing wrong with changing down the road. You wouldn't be the first person to completely change their career by the time they're 40. :)
  3. N

    how to get him to listen to me and validate my opinions?

    That is completely wrong! Developing self-confidence takes time, and due to your upbringing, you are still building yours. But that does NOT mean you are at fault. Your boyfriend is clearly not treating you appropriately. If my partner was hyper-sensitive and had low self-confidence, I...
  4. N

    INFJ Anime Recommendations?

    Peppermint already said this, but I think Ergo Proxy hits the nail on the head.
  5. N

    Cheering People Up

    If your'e goal in life is to cheer others up, you will be disappointed and frustrated. It is impossible to control another person's feelings, and it's not your responsibility to make them happy or solve their problems. Pain is part of life, and that's okay. All you can do is be kind to them...
  6. N

    how to get him to listen to me and validate my opinions?

    I just wanted to re-affirm some of the suggestions of other wise souls. You have a 100% inalienable right to be your authentic self in your relationship. Adapting to him is not a healthy mindset. As his lover, it is your duty to have your own viewpoints, your own feelings, your own life...