Newguy512 | INFJ Forum


There is this blank screen staring back at me, and I want to write a book to share my experience with anyone and everyone in hopes that I find at least one that gets me. As I start typing I write a sentence, erase a sentence, write a new sentence, edit a few words, erase the last paragraph, write a bit more then laugh at the process it took to ultimately arrive at what you read. A few more things about me: I think, I love, I share and I am always seeking the most correct path.

I more often than not feel misunderstood. As I've started opening up on electronic forums, I've encountered a few people who seemed to understand me in ways that brought new life to me. I do not have many friends, mostly because I do not try to friend many. I would like to change this, and figured online was as good a place to start as any, especially considering this fancy off button to escape if I need to. (I think I may be a borderline HSP) lol

Intellectual conversations about abstract concepts dealing with morality, truth, and all things of eternal worth.

I also like puppies and long walks on the beach both alone and hand in hand with a pretty friend.
oh...what was that I just typed above? I'm not going to go into jobs, schools, number of kids, current/past wives, professional accomplishments, degrees, etc.

What if you wanted to steal my identity? Or look me up and stalk me? Not that I think I'm that interesting that everyone would want to stalk me, but I'm not going to throw caution to the wind just because you think that I have an over inflated perception of self worth.

People think all sorts of things that just aren't so.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
thoughts, thinking, words, rationality, concepts, and reasoning.

I'm not sure there is anything I could not do without, other than the two things I mentioned above. lol

Even my son, whom I love very very dearly, more love than I have ever had for another person (which I think is actually a sad confession considering I'm married). I'd of course be...distraught if he were to be taken from me. But, I'm a fatalist and believe that what will be will be. Maybe more precisely, what has been, has been. If I'm still here, I will make do with what I must.
What would be your epitaph?
The memory is not worthy of the future.
no idea 2=3? lol


  1. 69


    Whatever it is, it's amazing. You're amazing. And Free is learning how to create trophies! Or break the forum. Either way, it'll be interesting!
  2. 10

    Happy day

    We wish you all a happy day, regardless of whether or not it's your birthday. :)
  3. 333

    You're awesome

    For being awesome. :)
  4. 1

    A Member

    Well done you worked out how to register, now let's see if you can work out the rest of the buttons...
  5. 1

    Likes living on the wildside

    Hasn't enabled two-factor authentication for your account.
  6. 15

    Pushing all the right buttons

    On the keyboard...
    to enter the correct four letter sequence
  7. 5

    You know why you are here

    You've put something in MBTI on your profile
  8. 100

    First Anniversary

    You've been registered here for a year, congratulations!
  9. 1

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.