Recent content by New zealand001 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by New zealand001

  1. N

    Dream interpretation

    Wow that is rather scary... I find abstract situations to be scarier than ones where you know what's going to happen... If I could put my 2 cents in I would say that the stairs are choices in your life and the liquid could be the fact you don't understand what is happening or why... My last...
  2. N

    [INFJ] infj and reading people

    Ps sorry for raving a bit. Only just found this site and have 15 years of it.
  3. N

    [INFJ] infj and reading people

    Hey chad. Yeah its very hard to speak on behalf of other people because I can tell you now that when it happens as an infj you are literally looking around the room in confusion that nobody else can see how someone truly feels... That feeling you get when someone is dropping a hint. I get that...
  4. N

    Competition and the INFJ

    I I believe being competitive to a degree is very healthy as jobs and opportunity come to those who shine above the rest in most circumstances. I am infj myself as much of a pain in the ass it can be. I have only one competitive hobby. Krav maga. (Military hand to hand combat) but it isn't out...
  5. N

    After being typed I wasn't sure if I was happy to not be alone or in terror that this state of...

    After being typed I wasn't sure if I was happy to not be alone or in terror that this state of mind is eternal...
  6. N

    Shoot First, Ask Questions Later Police Mentality

    In new Zealand police are not permitted to carry live round fire arms the world is a very hostile place recently moving to Australia last year I realized that those who serve and protect are equipped with tools to kill... I just don't know what to think. We are 5 million in population and we get...