Recent content by Neolmas | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Neolmas

  1. Neolmas

    I'm a complete wreck

    Yes, that's me in the pic. And I'm glad you're all amused by my deformity, it is my plight in life to have this hideous birth defect. At least it renders my genitalia "PG" as Hotherym so insensitively put it.
  2. Neolmas

    I'm a complete wreck

    Wah hey! Just to let everyone know, I'm the "guy friend" mentioned a few times in here. And I'm an INTP. So if any of you INFJs in the know have any advice for someone like me (you know, clever, rational, level-headed, crippled by my emotions and neurotic) to be able to help Hotherym out, I'm...