Recent content by MrMartin | INFJ Forum

Recent content by MrMartin

  1. M

    Will the next century be as eventful as the last?

    It will be more eventful! Simply because there are so many more people today and cause of the massive sharing of information that the internet is. Biggest fields will be biotechnology and robotics I think. Imagine biotechnology on our self. Imagine super smart godlike people. It will...
  2. M

    What are your turn offs?

    1: Lack of intelligence 2: Egocentric/bad listener, give and take 3. Only one perspective/bad empathy 4. Tries to be someone they are not. Too stereotype. Following roles, trends _without_ understanding of their real self. 5. Religious belief. Can be real religion or politics. I don't mean...
  3. M

    INFJ males....

    I do nice things for those who interest me, and generally become more sensitive to them, what they think, fell etcetera. I am generally not interested in other people if I feel no kinship with them(does not mean I don't listen and want to understand what makes people tick, I do. I think I would...