Mr. Meepers | INFJ Forum

Mr. Meepers

Math, physics, abstract ideas, beauty, philosophy, exploring, trying new things, anything "weird", art, science
Personality: I'm an INFP. I love people, but I can find them scary too ^_^' lol. I love to think about abstract ideas and think about why I'm so fascinated by them (my sense of beauty). I 'm strange and proud of if it (if you call me weird I'll try to take it as a compliment). I'm the type of guy who likes dipping sushi in duct sauce (and salami and ice cream sandwiches :D ... I haven't had that in years :'(), can be swayed and become emotional around anyone with an adorable personality :D, and I find weird people (one of a kind :D) sexy (... like "ohhh look that woman is walking backwards" weird, NOT the "OMG she might be criminally insane" weird). And if you can't tell, I'm a very happy person ^__^

Education: I have a B.S. and M.S. in Mathematics, a B.S. in Physics, and a minor in Philosophy ... I may sound smart, but I can be very forgetful and absent minded ... So much for that education lol //jk
Really, I don't know much ... But seeking truth and ideas are much more fun than having them!!

... Ummm ... What else? PUPPIES Om Nom Nom Nom?!?!
Don't Know Yet
Inspire people, Teach people, learn from people, l