Recent content by misguided ghost | INFJ Forum

Recent content by misguided ghost

  1. misguided ghost

    The Heart Tattoo Test

    Your Love is Free You love openly and easily. You can usually find something to love about someone or something. You are very compassionate and forgiving. You understand that no one is perfect. Whenever possible, you try to love instead of hate. You believe that there is...
  2. misguided ghost

    What origami animal are you?

    You Are a Cat You are agile and mysterious. You have you own way of navigating the world. You enjoy exploring new ideas and places, but you also like to be able to retreat quickly. You are a bit standoffish and aloof, but you aren't shy. In fact, you are brave and...
  3. misguided ghost

    What flavor bubble tea are you?

    You Are Almond Bubble Tea You are an ideas person, and you are always thinking of new ways to change the world. Your taste is somewhat unconventional, although you don't like anything too far out. You have a reputation for being quirky, and at times, you make sure to fuel...
  4. misguided ghost

    I made a response to your reply to my thread. Thanks again for taking the time to read it. :)

    I made a response to your reply to my thread. Thanks again for taking the time to read it. :)
  5. misguided ghost

    ISFJ or INFJ

    According to these definitions, I would related much more to Ni. I'd agree with this becasue although I am very competitive and perfectionistic, I usually will feel bad when I take it too far with others. I don't want to hurt other people just because of my own need to be the best. I've...
  6. misguided ghost

    ISFJ or INFJ

    Thank you for your response, I was thinking similarly. =) --- @ atticus: I'll try to reply to your post tomorrow. Thank you for taking time out to type so much, I appreciate it. =)
  7. misguided ghost

    ISFJ or INFJ

    Thanks, I look forward to reading your replies. *smile*
  8. misguided ghost

    ISFJ or INFJ

    Bah, I'm sorry this came out so long. I stole this questionnaire from another forum. I also posted a thread there as well to get more people's opinions. 1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I