mildwanderer | INFJ Forum


I recently found out my MBTI as an introvert and it changed my life. It made me realize how much sense all of my struggles make, and how there are easier ways around them.

I want to use the forum to see how others like me in personality deal with life, and to perhaps talk about how I deal with life too.

Studying biology and psychology. Maybe study to get into med school, maybe become a clinical psychologist, or maybe discover something entirely different.

I play violin, swim, knit, sew, draw, and write in a journal.
College student.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
6. My toothbrush & floss. I am just a little obsessed with oral hygiene.
5. Pillows. Enough said.
4. Books. They let me escape the here and now. They can also help me understand things better.
3. My journal. I write often and detail my life. It reduces my stress and keeps me sane.
2. Music. It allows me to change moods, or enables my current mood to come out of my body for me to understand.
1. My best friends. They are my soul sisters and my confidants. They know me better than I know myself.
What would be your epitaph?
I really have no clue. I would really appreciate a "that's what she said" joke, but I'm not sure if it would really seem appropriate once I'm dead...
I want to find out how I can help the world. I'm d