Recent content by mikiofpersia | INFJ Forum

Recent content by mikiofpersia

  1. M

    [INFJ] Sentiment?

    Hey y'all, Unfortunately, it has just came out that I'm NOT an INFJ but ISFJ, a Si-dominant. I'm very dissapointed because for the last 3 months I was sure about my type and I really enjoyed this community. I don't know what to say... I'm really sorry for sowing confusion. I was sure that I...
  2. M

    INFJs on foreign languages

    Recently I'm learning Japanese. I'm also interested in Khmer language and culture. My native language is Polish. :P
  3. M

    [INFJ] Sentiment?

    I have experienced OCD. I was constantly seeking signs of omen or hidden meaning which is a Ni thing I suppose.
  4. M

    [INFJ] Sentiment?

    Hi, When I was suffering from strong derealization and OCD I became a bit sentimental. Can it be correlated with those disorders? Usually, I'm strongly focused on future and I enjoy envisioning it very much.
  5. M

    [INFJ] Interpreting

    Hi, Sorry for my English. Do you consider all ways how others could interpret your words before you say what you want?
  6. M

    Cognitive Functions Test

    extraverted Sensing (Se) *********************** (23.1) limited use introverted Sensing (Si) **************************** (28.1) average use extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ******************************** (32.9) good use introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************ (36.2)...