massiveundynamic | INFJ Forum


Dogs. People. Caffeine. Nicotine. Dessert. Books. Clay. Words. Music. Art. Writing tools. Daydreaming. Thinking. Collecting notebooks and journals. Crisp, clean, reinforced, college-ruled loose leaf paper. Organizing bookcases. Organizing dishes in the sink. Throwing things out when the female progenitor isn't looking. Memorizing almost entire movies. Avoiding obligations. Procrastinating.
Raised by narcissists and psychopaths. Somehow I'm neither of those things...I have no clue how that worked out.

Constantly evolving and devolving. Trying to find a balance.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
What would be your epitaph?
Here lies Walter Fielding. He bought a house. And it killed him.
Make a friend, I suppose. Finding some motivation