Recent content by malenko | INFJ Forum

Recent content by malenko

  1. M

    Why is there so much INFJ vs INFP confusion?

    Where should some one go to have an accurate MBTI test done? I have been searching for places to go in my city that deal with MBTI specifically but I am coming up short. I constantly bring back INFJ results from the online tests but I don't like how the questions are worded... They are way too...
  2. M

    Am I an INFJ??

    I have read a lot about mistyping and such and I am looking for some one with quals to talk to, but I started reading the other profiles and I can heavily relate to INFJ, ISFJ, and INFP, I havent looked into INSP, because I figured the result would be the same. Just interested in the opinions of...
  3. M

    Am I an INFJ??

    Hey guys, a little background on where I am coming from... I recently stumbled upon the MBTI Personality Test, and my first result of the bat was INFJ, after a quick google search I started reading up on it and I could relate with damn near everything that was said in the personality profile...