Loula | INFJ Forum


Hmmm I am shy, strong, creative, misunderstood, passionate about photography, self development and my family.

I dislike society and lead the life of a hermit which im trying to change but going outside takes all my energy and i see no benefit. I have my family, a few friends, my garden and the internet, thats all i need right now.

I hope by finding this forum I will come across people on my wavelength that understand me, that i will let go of my judgemental side and appreciate others opinions, because in real life i find most people are not endowed with emotional intelligence. Its horrible to admit that and thinking this causes so many problems in my life so actually I need to meet people that restore my faith in humanity!

If what I wrote connects with you please get in touch

p.s Im married and fiercly loyal so dont get in touch for those reasons ;)

Photography, Flowers and plants, Music, Art, Science, Evolution, Psychology, Crafts, Collecting pretty things, creating and making stuff, thinking about things, Interior design, Rocks and gemstones, Geography, Shopping at bootfairs for vintage items, Finding old treasures with meaning.
I left school at 16, and moved in with my then partner. I stayed in that crap relationship until I was 23 thinking he was my soulmate but he got psychosis and left me.

During this time I went back to school and completed a psychology degree.

At 23 (nearly 3 years ago) I met my now husband and gave birth to our son 2 months ago! I am now 25 so life moved pretty fast for me in the last few years, in fact I feel as though I have had many lifes because Ive already gone through so many changes....lifes strange

So now I am a mother to a beautiful boy and a wife to a creative talented man. I am activily pursuing a career in photography, all though I will be starting a counselling course next year as back up to my artistic dreams.

I like making my home look pretty and spending time appreciating my surroundings, particulary so by using my camera to express my love for nature.

Hope that helps gain a picture of me < see what I did there ;)

In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
6. A home to make nice
5. Stimulation
4. Creativity
3. My camera to capture it
2. Beauty to apprecaiate
1. My Husband, son and family's love
To live life happy and surrounded by the people I