Leif | INFJ Forum


I seem to be a minority, at least in terms of the MBTI. I am both male and an INFJ, part of a good 1% or so of the population if I am correct. I'm also a younger member of this community at age 16, still full of emotional chaos from time to time (the INFJ shadow, perhaps?) as well as desires, dreams, and changing prospects.

Despite things relating just to that, though, I find myself... simply as me. I'm a gamer, a dedicated student, a caring lover, a general, all-around, geek. Take that as you will and if you would like to learn more of me, then please, speak! I love conversation.

Computer Science/Programming, The Internet, Video Games, Role-Play (both text-based and tabletop), Polyamory, Paganism/Agnosticism, Furries/Anthros.
Jul 21, 1993 (Age: 30)
This section is going to be rather short as I have not lived an excessive portion of my life yet, but we'll see what I can fit in.

From birth to age 11, I lived in the quaint city of El Paso, Texas. A majority of my time there was spent out in "the boonies" of Chapparal. Since youth, I had always been part of the "gifted" program and displayed exceptional intellectual ability, yet it never really manifested into particular interests in a double-wide trailer where goats and chickens could wander into your yard.

At age 12, my family moved in with an Aunt in the same city, closer to the suburbs. It was at this age that I not only feel I truly developed as an individual, but it was also the age that I discovered what I shall call the "evils" of the world. Violence, hatred, bullying, I was surrounded by such things and thrown into a depression (which, thankfully, I have since moved on from with the help of loving friends).

At age 14, I learned we would be moving on account of my father's work. Ever since then, I have been located in the beautiful, albeit slightly empty, city of Rio Rancho. Here I have strengthened my resolve, learned more about myself (not including just my MBTI), found my love, made some friends I hope to keep throughout my life, and continued my education into my hopeful field as a computer scientist.

And here I am. Sure, there are plenty of details I've neglected to mention along the way, but if you're interested, feel free to contact me. I love making new acquaintances.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1. The elements Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. My Love
3. My Friends
4. A Purpose
5.The Internet
6. Dark Chocolate
What would be your epitaph?
"Insert Text Here"

(That would be my luck)
I am currently a student planning to move onto a n


Chaos is no match for a content mind