Kellibean | INFJ Forum


I don't like to share much about myself, but I'll say this: I love learning and the company of an open-minded brain.

-Travel and studying foreigners and foreign cultures
-Exploring different perspectives or ways of thinking (imagining being in someone else's shoes). Also, understanding why people think what they do.
-Studying psychology and people/observing behavior
-Deep discussion with deep thinkers and debate (believe it or not) with my ENTP best friend/sister!

-Hiking, camping, exploring, etc.
-Writing music
-Enjoying people's company/hanging out

--Just studying, thinking, and enjoying people/adventure in general!
Me in a non-revealing nutshell: I spent my childhood moving around and was extremely poor, but stable. Then I moved in with a different (very odd and contentious) family- my INFJ personality became unstable and I became very judgmental, distrusting, forceful, close-minded, serious/stiff, and withdrawn.

Then I fell for an ENFP(?) who forced me out of my shell and loosened my personality. I learned to be open-minded and accepting and became intensely interested in the vast ocean of knowledge/ people that I had automatically rejected before.

I fell in love with people (something I originally hated) and different/new perspectives, cultures, and ideas. I became a psychology freak and an (open-minded/not-so-biased) truth-discerner who adores psychology... so here I am today!
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1. Principles/morals 1.Great relationships/human interaction 1. Knowledge & wisdom/cleverness & humor. (Who said I had to value one over the other?)

4. music

5. personal space, from time to time
(...and for people to occasionally stop prying, distracting, or asking what's wrong when I'm fine. I'm sure other INFJs could relate!)

6. I don't need much of anything besides those, actually!
What would be your epitaph?
-Travel to every continent with my awesome future