juliejules | INFJ Forum


i live in Norfolk, i work as a support worker. I love reading and anything you have to think about

i love anything that makes you think, reading is my fav. i love all kinds of music. tarot cards and anything spirtual. i love my siamese cat called ty and spending time with family and friends.
May 30
From the moment i was born, i was known as being sensitive. I can feel the atmoshere when you walk into a room, and this can really effect me . im still amazed at how people can treat each other and i really hate hurting people (though there prob not as hurt as i think they are, prob just me) i love helping people with there problems. im really good at listening and seeing both sides of a situation.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Family Friends Time alone. Books Music sleep!
What would be your epitaph?
That i was loving, caring, thoughtful, too trusting sometimes, a bit of an alien who dosnt really belong here on earth. would never knowingly hurt anybody. very sensitive.
Be happy and have peace of mind.