Recent content by iownacactus | INFJ Forum

Recent content by iownacactus

  1. iownacactus

    Clairvoyance abilities test

    3570 - common person. You parameters correspond to a common person. Hidden abilities are a rare thing for you, but they can be developed with due dedication and persistence. I wish I never bought that crystal ball now.
  2. iownacactus

    How should you meditate?

    You Should Practice a Guided Meditation You tend to be a restless person, and while you thrive in chaotic situations, you sometimes need to get away. When relaxing on the beach or looking out from a mountain top is not possible, you can still imagine yourself in those scenes. Your body is...
  3. iownacactus

    Personality Test: What image did you see first?

    You have an incredibly optimistic personality! You can adapt to new situations with striking ease. You can find a common language with people, and very rarely feel lonely. You strongly value all expressions of love, as well as friendly relationships. You try not to judge people by their...