Recent content by InfJer0724 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by InfJer0724

  1. I

    ENFP + INFJ = ?

    Feels like it requires a lot of adaptation/understanding on the INFJ part, and sometimes ENFP is too self-focused to notice. But sometimes, they’ll surprise you with a thank you and thoughtful realization of how much good INFJ has given. Still rocking the boat with ENFP male for the past 2...
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    ENFP trying to find INFJ’s... WHERE ARE YOU?!

    Go to a counseling service office, or therapy lol
  3. I

    ENFP + INFJ = ?

    ENFP and INFP extinguish each other when they pair.
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    ENFP + INFJ = ?

    @Lexika - they are all Extinguishment Relations (as in, all the types are included in this category of socionics!) however here are the pairings that cause extinguishment for one another when together: INTp (ILI, Ni-Te) - ENTp (ILE, Ne-Ti) INFp (IEI, Ni-Fe) - ENFp (IEE, Ne-Fi) ISFp (SEI...
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