Recent content by indirevri | INFJ Forum

Recent content by indirevri

  1. indirevri

    INFJ Singers

    I think Lady Gaga's auxiliary Fe is quite easy to place, for those who have actually listened to her speak. Which narrows it down to IXFJ, and we all know which one is more likely.
  2. indirevri

    Just a political rant

    As an outsider, I don't even see the Republicans as a legit political party anymore. Just like Bill Maher once said, they have long moved from the right to mental hospital.
  3. indirevri

    Straight INFJ Males

    They exist? :m190:
  4. indirevri

    Scientists say that Religion and Science can coexist

    Of course they can coexist. As long as the religion in question is legit and not clearly made of less than carefully calculated lies that make sense only to gullible people. Not the case with most of the organized religions I'm aware of.
  5. indirevri

    Being a Male INFJ...

    It seems to be the most valuable feature of INFJs is constant growth. I guess time will tell..
  6. indirevri

    Do you find vampires sexy?

    I don't get it. I loves me some warm body to cuddle with.:flame:
  7. indirevri

    The Tree of Life

    Saw it months ago, soon after Cannes. I was very impressed with the cinematography and Jessica Chastain's performance.
  8. indirevri

    What books or novels would you like to see on the big screen

    It appears the film adaptation is in development.