ICameISawICame | INFJ Forum


I have pretty severe ADHD-Pi, and a genius IQ.

Military History, Psychology, Gaming, Futures Studies, Making puns, Writing Poems, Politics.
Nov 5, 1992 (Age: 31)
I was homeschooled until 8th grade in an intensely religious household (the speaking in tongues, Bible studies every day type). My dad has early onset Huntington's Disease, so he was home all the time since I was about 8-9. (I don't have it, thankfully.) I was constantly questioning/rebelling. I consistently scored in the 99.9% as a child on every standardized test. This got me into the top of the line GT school I went to. I met most of my closest friends there, and opened my mind to a whole new world of ideas. I discovered my creativity and my intellectual ability, and I had peers who could challenge me. I loved it there. I was a pretty notorious slacker, though. It was basically Harvard as a high school. I got diagnosed with ADHD at 18. After that I went to college, and screwed it up, as I didn't have the meds, and was unmotivated, and overall just kinda gave up. I've worked in various fast food jobs since then, and consistently had my ADHD meds for the first time. I demonstrated to myself that I could be really good at something, and that I can be a hard worker. Now, I'm in community college and kicking ass.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My computer/the internet, my friends, my books, my teachers, my contacts/glasses, and (some) of my family.
What would be your epitaph?
He kicked ass until the ass kicked back.
CIA analyst, psychiatrist, or academic.


"I came; I saw; I conquered."-Julius Caesar.