Recent content by hauteur | INFJ Forum

Recent content by hauteur

  1. hauteur

    [INFJ] infjs confuse the hell out of me!

    Well said, @John K. This is definitely one of the most confusing aspects of MBTI for me. There are so many conflicting opinions out there. So many of them have to do with the depth of emotion or emotional expressiveness, which doesn't really line up with what either Jung or Katherine Briggs...
  2. hauteur

    [INFJ] infjs confuse the hell out of me!

    I do feel emotion internally. Personally, I believe we all do, even those of us who have demon feeling. We are all thinkers and feelers: we just do it differently. Still, I don't know that I live there. It's hard to explain. I totally relate to what many others have said. I can come across...
  3. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    @Pin, I actually really like that site's description of introverted intuition. That feels pretty dang spot on to me. Seems kind of odd that my rankings are Ni-Fe-Si-Te, though. Cognitive Function Test Your most pronounced cognitive function is: Introverted Intuition You have a deep and...
  4. hauteur

    So what does Ni look like for you guys?

    @John K, I love the analogy. You also got me thinking when you reminded me that it is a perception function, after all. It's kind of hard to see your own perception function in action, right? Kind of like seeing your own eyes? Interesting thought... I'm not completely sure I'm tracking...
  5. hauteur

    So what does Ni look like for you guys?

    So, I guess this is what I'm wondering - to kind of piggyback on what I said before. @John K, I'd love to hear you weigh in as a fellow, ahem... old dude. Do we take our Ni for granted as we get older? Or maybe not take it for granted, but notice it less because we've been living with it for...
  6. hauteur

    [INFJ] INFJs and Art - What forms of art are you interested in?

    Does porn count? I'm uh... asking for a friend. :-) Seriously, though. I've been interested in doing art for my whole life, pretty much. When I was just a wee lad, I wanted to be a ventriloquist, actually. Never pursued it. Then I wanted to be a Jedi. That didn't work out either... Then...
  7. hauteur

    So what does Ni look like for you guys?

    One thing that I've been thinking a lot about is the idea that we INFJs (and INTJs) tend to not really notice our Ni - as other types don't tend to notice whatever function is in their primary slot. I think the idea is that it just comes so naturally that we tend to overlook it or discount it...
  8. hauteur

    [INFJ] What do you hate about being INFJ?

    Hmm. What do I hate about being an INFJ? Let me count the ways... I hate feeling like I don't fit in or belong. I hate that I'm way more accommodating than any human being should be. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a pleaser, but still. I hate caring so much about how other people...
  9. hauteur

    How do I (INFJ) motivate my INFP boyfriend?

    @Artemisia I'm married to an INFP. She, I think, easily admits that motivation is the bane of her existence. I know it's something we've struggled with in a variety of real-life scenarios that go beyond things like career. I think it is just a common aspect of INFPs if she is any kind of...
  10. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    Wow, @John K, that's incredibly self-aware, and it hits closer to home than I would like. I mean, er, um, for someone I know. Yeah. A friend... Actually, I had a huge occurrence of the second one a few years back. It was actually rooted in a personal conflict, but the idea of it is eerily...
  11. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    I know, right?
  12. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    Trolling people can be a blast. Getting them to show just how much BS they really are spewing.
  13. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    That's a really good point - although, like @Ren - I'm not sure I have much clarity in what the Ni/Ti loop really looks like. I've seen several people mention it, but there seems to be very little about what it actually looks like outside of what can be inferred from its usage. One thing about...
  14. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    It actually took years before I even looked at the cognitive functions. I hate to admit it, but I was actually put off by people on forums using it as... I don't even know. Like an elite language that felt like it was deeper than I wanted to go. I just saw stuff like, "Oh, that's because...
  15. hauteur

    [INFJ] How confident are you in your type?

    Nah - I don't look at it like that at all. In fact, I'm not even really sure what "it" is. Don't get me wrong, I've done my fair share of research into it, and I do think that I see aspects of the functions in myself and in others. My big problem with it all is that virtually everything you...