Recent content by HauntedMachinery | INFJ Forum

Recent content by HauntedMachinery

  1. HauntedMachinery

    INFJs in Business or Entrepreneurship

    Interesting topic. I recently got a degree in Business Admin & Information Technology. That was before I knew I was an INFJ. It completely clicked for me then & I have decided to still work in Business but go back to school next year part time to study Psychology. It was an epiphany for me. I...
  2. HauntedMachinery

    What makes it hard for you to fall asleep?

    In order for me to go to sleep, there needs to be complete silence, darkness, one pillow for my head and another that I hold tight. I always sleep at the edge of the bead and the other side is usually still neat. But when something bothers me I can hardly get any sleep for takes me a...
  3. HauntedMachinery

    Changing dreams or directions

    I recently graduated with a degree in Business. I knew all along it was the logical/safe thing to do, because my likelihood of being employed was good and that life would be a bit easier. After taking the MBTI test & realizing that I am more of a therapist to most of my friend. I have decided to...
  4. HauntedMachinery

    Do You Live Your Life on Autopilot?

    Kind of, I am a creature of habits. I dismiss most of the unknown places my friends want to go, I take forever to choose from the menu. I actually savor my food instead of merely swallowing it. I don't try anything new unless I know after dizzying analyses that I am going to good at it or enjoy...
  5. HauntedMachinery

    [INFJ] What is the most intoxicating part of being an INFJ?

    For me is knowing that if I don't pay attention I can get too comfortable in my inner world & completely relinquish the outer world. Also, my constant need to find deeper meaning in every little comment, remark, observation. It is highly unhealthy, but what can I do? Like my avatar, overthinking...
  6. HauntedMachinery

    [INFJ] Do you put on a brave front?

    Yes, it is a matter of survival. I am usually very funny & I act like I don't care. But it hurts me so deeply when someone makes a joke at my expenses. They can never know that the slightest thing that goes against my value system throws me into a rage inside. I just nod & try to get away from...
  7. HauntedMachinery

    [INFJ] How do you cope under difficult emotions or stress?

    I completely withdraw myself, I write about all of it frenetically, I meditate, listen to mellow music & most important I work out with Dance music blasting in my ears...Then I go home & pass out in bed
  8. HauntedMachinery

    How have others consistently described you?

    My counsellor asked me at the end of our first session if I was aware that I was very intelligent. lol But usually, really smart, talkative, moody, person of habits, funny, sensitive & hardly forgiving...I can hold a grudge & I swear people out of my life with a passion. :(
  9. HauntedMachinery

    Infjs what kind of activities energize you?

    I would say listening to music: Indie, Slow rock, alternative. Anything mellow like Lana Del Rey or Coldplay. I like watching documentaries, especially on the Vice channel on YouTube & my all time favorite Our AMerica with Lisa Ling. It sounds quirky, but learning new things or about other...