Haunted Moon | INFJ Forum

Haunted Moon

The fairy soars over the atmosphere of a dying world, briefly she wonders if it would not be for the best to watch it all burn away into nothingness. A tiny giggle escapes her lips as she imagines the screams of the dying inhabitants of the earth, those who once thought themselves a superior species. She flitters away, lost in her own fantasy but the hatred coursing through her veins runs deep and poisons her still.

The fairy is a perpetual observer, quiet and careful, precise and oh so dull on the outside. It is difficult to see the roaring currents driving the fairy beneath.
What becomes of a fairy that is confined? Her wings are clipped and she cannot take flight. A caged bird she will never know the wonder of flight. She becomes withdrawn into herself and knows to never let anyone into the reverie she has created for herself, just to give herself enought meaning and value to survive in the cold, pitiless earth.
Shall I create chaos or shall I nurture that which