Recent content by GreenWitch | INFJ Forum

Recent content by GreenWitch

  1. GreenWitch

    Vaping and Its Associated Health Risks

    My little sister is 19 now, has been vaping since she was about 15. Kids put vape juices that contain up to 50mg (8mg are present in one cigarette) of nicotine, not only are they ruining their lungs but their also addicted to nicotine on a whole new level. I don't even want to think about the...
  2. GreenWitch

    Twin Flames - Has anyone met theirs?

    Oh am I glad someone has finally asked that question! I've met mine about twelve years ago. We despised each other at first but still managed to hang out for the sake of the gang (high know). We did have some fun as kids, raising hell till dawn and partying together until our late...
  3. GreenWitch

    Cowardice. Comfortable? Yes. Rewarding? Absolutely not.

    Cowardice. Comfortable? Yes. Rewarding? Absolutely not.
  4. GreenWitch

    Books. For the days where my world sucks and I need to escape to another.

    Books. For the days where my world sucks and I need to escape to another.
  5. GreenWitch

    Quando omni flunkus, moritati.

    Quando omni flunkus, moritati.
  6. GreenWitch

    Being an indigo child in this world is like being a fence post lost in a flock of sheep.

    Being an indigo child in this world is like being a fence post lost in a flock of sheep.