Recent content by formergeek | INFJ Forum

Recent content by formergeek

  1. formergeek

    Live to work, or work to live?

    Ginny, There is only one answer to this - WORK TO LIVE! Take it from me, I did the other one and postponed my dreams and passions to the point that I lost myself. Living for work is a hard, dreary, and many times thankless and joyless life. If you know your passion, find a way to get paid for it...
  2. formergeek

    Ancient Technology & Events

    Archaeologists may find an example of this in the black sea. If "THE BLACK SEA DELUGE" hypothesis turns out to be correct, this may very well have happened to any civilization living in what is today the bottom of the Black Sea.
  3. formergeek

    Ancient Technology & Events

    Wouldn't it be nice if we gained wisdom from those setbacks?
  4. formergeek

    Can someone please diagnose me ??

    What you are describing sounds very familiar to me; It happens to me all the time. I use journaling to dump everything that is in my brain onto paper. As I write I can feel my mind clearing up and calming down. I can also feel my body unwind from all the stress of holding in all the morass. I...