Recent content by foreveryoung | INFJ Forum

Recent content by foreveryoung

  1. F

    Questioning your type lately?

    I took two official MBTI tests, one when I was 22 and the other when I was 25. I tested INTJ both times, but T/F and P/J were both borderline. However, as I passed through the second half of my twenties, I became much more stable and comfortable with myself, and when I took some on-line tests, I...
  2. F

    whats the part of you no one sees?

    You are passionate, romantic, and emotional. You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it. You expect to be swept of your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out. Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable. Your insecurity has...
  3. F

    Questioning your type lately?

    I think it gets harder to know your type the older you get, since you develop functions that may not necessarily be your natural strengths..I often wonder whether I am an INTJ or INFP..but the description of an INJ child fits me perfectly, so I now for sure.. I have been feeling and acting like...
  4. F

    Which female archetype are you?

    Spear Maiden (The Morrigan, Athena, Sif) (100%) Sovereign Queen (Rhiannon, Hera, Isis) (92%) Wise Crone (Hecate, Ceridwen) (92%)
  5. F

    [INFJ] Seeing An Argument From All Angles

    The fact that I can easily put myself in another person's shoes has been causing me trouble in some weird ways. When I was a kid, I was the one in the group who never took sides. Now, when I am negotiating issues with other companies on behalf of my own, I often find myself defending my...
  6. F

    How does your Ni (introverted intuition) work?

    When I need to solve a work related problem, I notice my S type colleagues approach the problem in structured, orderly way. They also like to discuss the problem thoroughly. For myself, I just block off some time alone and collect data or related facts, sort of comb through them in no...
  7. F

    ESFJ friends?

    I am a female INFJ, and all my best friends have been either ESFJ or ISFJ. Although I have never felt that they fully understand me, I have enjoyed the relationships because they force me to come out of my head and engage with the outside world. They also take care of me on a more practical...